About the Hospitality Academy

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In late 2019 independent, employee owned training, development and management services company Rinova Ltd was successful in securing funding for a wide range of publicly funded initiatives aimed at supporting and developing innovative practice within the hospitality industry. Along with a range of existing UK projects and a series of transnational EU funded innovation, development and research projects aimed at the tourism, hospitality and allied industries, these projects naturally dovetail to form The Hospitality Academy.

Informed by the industry to reflect their changing needs, The Hospitality Academy forms an agile, ‘one-stop’ shop for innovative, solution driven programmes of training and support. Working with quality assured partners, who bring to the table their own expertise, these projects will provide Employers and Employees with the interventions and solutions they need to; perfect their recruitment, up-skill their staff, improve retention and integrate effective, affordable in house training and CPD. By working with Employers at every stage of design and delivery, we area able to identify and meet the changing needs of the Sector, even in these unprecedented times. Meanwhile, through our work with schools and the next generation of employees, we ensure that this vibrant, creative industry, that is so integral to both the economy and the wellbeing of the population is recognized for the exciting opportunities it can offer for career progression.

Whilst the challenges we face as an industry may have changed, there can be no doubt that the sector will adapt and with the right support, thrive. The Hospitality Academy is committed to being an integral part of the industries reinvention. Our message is..

Don’t be part of the new norm … create it!

Our projects

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